ECS Houses. Petrol stations
Petrol stations
Petrol stations are available when petrol cargo is defined (by Chemical vector II or by some other GRF).
1x1 petrol station
Drawn by George
Eras 1, 2 or in 1920 - 1955 (if eras are off).
Town zones: 0-1.
A road at SE and SW required
No petrol station 6 squares around allowed.
2 stations per 1024 citizens.
Maximum 20 per town.
Accepts petrol, 1/8 passengers, 1/8 goods.
Cargo generation
8 passengers a month.
16 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 4 years.
Available in 8 company colours - pink, yellow, red, light blue, purple, orange, white.
Supports snow.
2x1 petrol station
Drawn by George
Eras 2, 3 or in 1953 - 1990 (if eras are off).
Town zones: 1-2.
A road at SE required for both tiles.
No petrol station 6 squares around allowed.
1 per 1024 citizens above 1536.
Maximum 10 per town.
Accepts petrol, 2/8 passengers, 2/8 goods.
Cargo generation
16 passengers a month.
32 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 6 years.
Available in 8 company colours - pink, yellow, red, light blue, purple, orange, white.
Supports snow.
1x2 petrol station
Drawn by George
Eras 3, 4 or in 1980 - ... (if eras are off).
Town zones: 1-3.
A road at SE required for SE tile, a road at SW required for NW tile.
No petrol station 6 squares around allowed.
1 per 1024 citizens above 2048.
Maximum 10 per town.
Accepts petrol, 2/8 passengers, 7/8 goods.
Cargo generation
16 passengers a month.
32 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 10 years.
Available in 8 company colours - pink, yellow, red, light blue, purple, orange, white and 2 colours of lights - red and yellow.
Supports snow.