Dutch Tram Set/Vehicle Properties

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This page aims at collecting vehicle properties for the Dutch Tram Set. You can help development of the Dutch Tram Set by searching for missing information (and adding it here!) or searching properties for Dutch trams that are not yet on this page.

Real-life vehicle properties are crucial for a vehicle set that aims replicating real-life vehicles for use with OpenTTD or TTDPatch, but is often underestimated. A proper vehicle set is not just a bunch of graphics; the difference in vehicle usability (defined by vehicle properties) makes a set interesting to use and justifies having more than just one vehicle.


  • If you add a new vehicle, use the template provided and fill in the details that you can find. Note that there is a different template for motorcars/articulated trams and trailers (trailers need slightly different statistics).
  • Always add a source link when adding data! This allows to verify the data (not that you will make mistakes) and more importantly allows to credit the creator (of the webpage) of the source.
  • You can use the interwebs to find information, but books or other sources are of course also acceptable!
  • Don't add data if you're not sure. In that case, only add a source link or discuss things first in the development topic.


  • In the "history" field you can add a short 2-3 line description about the vehicle's history. This will be added to the vehicle purchase dialog.
  • In the "liveries" field you can list what liveries of this vehicle existed and in what year they were introduced. If there is only one livery, there's no need to complete this field.
  • There's no real need to complete the capacity fields, as capacities will be calculated from vehicle length for gameplay purposes. But if you come across these details, add them anyways; it might be nice to add a parameter setting for "real capacities" to the set.

Vehicles currently in the Dutch Tram Set

This section lists the vehicles currently in the Dutch Tram Set. Please prioritize these vehicles if you don't have a specific vehicle you want to find data for.


GETA (Arnhem)

GVB (Amsterdam)

HTM (The Hague)

RET (Rotterdam)

Vehicles not in the Dutch Tram Set

This section lists vehicles that will be added to the Dutch Tram Set in the future (provided there are graphics for it). Properties for vehicles that are not (yet) drawn can also be added, to increase their chance of actually being drawn at some point.

GVB (Amsterdam)

HTM (The Hague)

RET (Rotterdam)