ECS Chemical Vector II. Oil wells

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Oil wells

Oil wells

Drawn by George

The Oil wells is the part of the ECS Chemical Vector II.

Accepted and produced cargoes

The Oil wells produces Oil.


The Oil wells cannot be built by a player in a game. It should be prospected instead. It has 60% probability to be prospected near other Oil wells (at most 64 tiles away) and 25% probability far from it. Prospecting cost is £747,700/$1,495,400 in game, in case of inflation is off. Construction conditions for SE and map generator are represented in the table.



|Build on dry land


|Build on flat land

|Build at least 8 tiles away from Tz0

|Build > 16 tiles from a Oil refinery

|Build > 8 tiles from a Oil wells||of Location/Positioning Conditions

The Oil wells has High probability (9) to be built by map generator and zero probability (0) to be built during game play.


The Oil wells uses 124 production levels, represented in % from 3% to 100%.

To calculate a month production values should be summarized for all the cycles of the month (usually 8 or 9). The following calculations are given for one production cycle.

The Oil wells does not produce any cargo during first 93 days of life if built in game.

Amount of oil produced during one cycle is 250 * level% / 100%.

Production change

Production change happens on the 1-st day of every month.

The Oil wells does not change production level during first 93 days of life if built in game.

On the lowest production level (Very low or 3%) advanced closure mechanism is applied with the following protection conditions:

  • last one on the map
  • younger than 10 years
  • transportation level > 75%

Protection can be changed with parameter of ECS Chemical Vector II to the following protection conditions:

  • last one on the map
  • younger than 10 years
  • transportation level > 1%
  • Oil wells is built by the player during game play

Oil wells can have closure protections unless exhausted with parameter of ECS Chemical Vector II

Production change happens according on amount of cargo transported.

||Transportation|Production change

< 25%

|divide production level by 2 if current level above 6%


|decrease production level by 1 if current level 3% – 6%

25% – 49%

|decrease production level by 1

51% – 75%

|increase production level by 1


|increase production level by 1 with 75% probability


|multiply production level by 2||When all of the known oil body has been extracted, the Oil wells closes immediately.


The Oil wells has one of 11 possible layouts. New layouts are welcome (:biggrin:)

When built by the player during a game, the Oil wells will be in Company Colours of the builder. When generated by the game or built while in the scenario editor, the Oil wells will pick up the colour randomly.

Oil body and reserves

Every Oil wells has a fixed oil body randomly predetermined during the construction phase at between 100Kt and 1600Kt. The size of the oil body is unknown to the player. At the beginning, the mine sees a reserve of 10 to 30% of the oil body. When the amount of oil transported is above 60% a month, new reserves of oil may be found, increasing the known reserves by +10% to +30%, but reserves may never exceed the predetermined oil body. Oil wells has 50% probability to find new resources when all known resources are exhausted if amount of resources known is smaller than defined in predetermined body.

When the mine plans to exhaust all the reserves within 24 or 12 months, it generates a warning.

Body limit can be disabled with parameter of ECS Chemical Vector II