ECS Machinery Vector. Iron ore mine

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Iron ore mine

Iron ore mine

Drawn by Prebral

General data

Iron ore mines produce iron ore. If ore is not transported, the Iron ore mine will produce 5-10 tons of iron ore. In all other cases production depends upon the production level represented as the number (up to 128, the ultimate production level), multiplied by 4 when no machinery is waiting, by 12 when at least 1 machinery unit is waiting, by 8 when machinery is undefined (only possible when another file overrides machinery).

This way the Iron ore mine will support a smooth production level.

At the highest production level, 8 units of machinery are processed per month. With every level below this, the amount of processed machinery units is halved (down to the lowest production level of 1 machinery unit during 4 months). An Iron ore mine cannot be built by a player.

Ore body and reserves

Every Iron ore mine has a fixed ore body randomly predetermined during the construction phase at between 100Kt and 600Kt. The size of the ore body is unknown to the player. At the beginning, the mine sees a reserve of 10 to 30% of the ore body. When the amount of ore transported is above 75% a month, new reserves of ore may be found, increasing the known reserves by +10% to +30%, but reserves may never exceed the predetermined ore body.

Production change

Changing production level depends on the amount of cargo transported. If less than 60% of produced cargo is transported, production goes down, while if more than 97% is transported, it goes up.

For values 60% - 75% and 75% - 95% a smooth production change is applied which means production levels  change by -1 and +1 respectively. Currently this only works in OTTD.

When all of the known ore body has been extracted, the iron ore mine closes immediately.

When the Iron ore mine is not in service and it is at least 10 years old, in each ensuing month it has a 1% probability of closing down.

Stockpile size

Cargo acceptance is limited by storage capacity. If the stockpile is in overflow, the industry stops accepting cargo until the stockpile is down to 50% of capacity, at which point the industry will start accepting cargo again.

||Level|Machinery|Machinery (50%)

Very low|171|85




Very high|716|358


Possible locations

Iron ore mines should be built on flat land far from towns (Rz0 + 6 < Ed). They can't be built near other iron ore mines, steel mills.