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Enable a Locomotion-like user interface

Locomotion GUI

Enable a Locomotion-like user interface

2.0.1 alpha 43 or later


Configuration file: locomotiongui on|off|<bits>

Command line: -U


With this switch, you can enable the new Locomotion-like user interface for building railway tracks. You can select it to be the default interface, or keep TTD's interface by default. In either case, holding the Ctrl key while opening the rail construction window opens the opposite type of interface.

It is a bit switch.  To find out how that works, see Bit Switches, or simply add up the values of the options you want:

||Bit |Value|Text name |Meaning

0|1|usenewgui|Enable the new gui

1|2|defaultnewgui|Use the new gui by default (with this disabled the new gui can be reached with ctrl, when enabled with ctrl the old gui will be used)

2|4|defaultstation|Make the standard station build button open the Locomotion GUI station tab instead||

This switch was contributed by Marijn Kruisselbrink.