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I have managed, previously using Red Hat 8, and latterly on SuSE 8.2, to get TTD to run with the patch.  Here's a brief how-to:

(1) Install TTDWin using some (existing) Windows installation

(2) (In Linux,) Ensure WINE is installed.  For this experiment I used wine-20031212-0.

(3) Copy install files to -+~/.wine/fake_windows+- i.e. where your virtual C: drive for WINE resides.  Ensure files are in a writable directory.

(4) Copy over TTDPatch (I used 2.01 alpha 10), i.e. ttdpatchw.exe

(5) In the same dir, type the following to create a script (note this isn't necessary if you are using a version of TTDPatch that is at least 2.01 alpha 13, although alphas 11-15 don't work anyway.  It saves typing in the long run, though (:wink:)):

~pp~$ cat > ttd
# LANG assignment removed, since it was only a problem in alphas before 12
# and you need alpha 16 or later for this method to work reliably.

chdir /path/to/ttd

wine -- ttdpatchw.exe -C myfile.conf

D $ chmod +x ttd (or 700; the former may be preferred though) ~/pp~

The -+--+- in the command line stops wine from processing more options.  It's particularly useful should you need to try debug options, etc., since it may break in these circumstances without it.

(6) Add the following to the appropriate part of -+~/.wine/system.reg+-

~pp~[Software\\FISH Technology Group\\Transport Tycoon Deluxe] 1074205274












(7) Now in TTD directory, type:

If using the script (c.f. step (5) above) type

-+$ ./ttd+-

...or if not you need to type

-+$ wine ttdpatchw.exe+-

and that should be it!

Note: -+$+- implies "type at the bash prompt"

-=If you are trying this method, let us know how you did=-


Gentoo Linux 1.4, kernel 2.6.1, alpha 16, alpha 18, Han


This works fine with Gentoo Linux 1.4 with kernel 2.6.1. Much easier than Winex, and works just as good.


And indeed, music is not working (I play without anyway, and if I wanted it, I'd play MP3s). Stations are fine with me.


Fedora Core 1, alpha 11 and alpha 14, Dave


As of 2.01 Alpha 11 critical errors appear. at startup on the test machine.  This was not fixed by Alpha 14 (:frown:)

<nowiki>[This has been fixed in alpha 16.  This was due to the ttdpatchw.exe file being malformed enough that wine couldn't run it.]</nowiki>

If you are suffering segfaults, or getting -+error=21+-, you need to disable prelinking and exec-shield.

Disable prelinking by editing -+/etc/sysconfig/prelink+- in the obvious place, and then running -+prelink -ua+- to remove prelink information.  Disable exec-shield by changing the value in /proc to 0 (hint: -+find /proc -name exec-shield+-).


Debian unstable, kernel 2.6.2, Wine 20040213, TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 16, Robert Norris



* I had to do LANG=en_US, because my machine uses the C locale by default. No big deal.
* Sound effects work, music doesn't. Wine spits out errors about their being no MCI handler for type "MUSIC". I added a line to system.ini using Wine's "mciseq.drv", which silenced the errors, but still gave no music. Installing dxmci.dll causes a rather spectacular crash.


Mandrake 9.0, Wine 20040309, TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 24, Owen Rudge



* Sound effects work, music doesn't. Wine spits out errors about their being no MCI handler for type "MUSIC". I don't have MIDI working under Linux without using something like Timidity anyway.
* If the game runs in full screen, I can't move the mouse, and I have to kill X remotely to get out of it.


RedHat 8.0, Wine 20030115, TTDPatch 2.0.1 Alpha 25, Phil Veale

It Works :)

At first it worked absolutely perfectly, with the exception of music. After playing around with the registry settings a bit trying to get it to work though, I seem to have broken it. I also managed to get this working on WineX and there are some screenshots here: TTDWinexPhil

I managed to get KMidi to play the TTD Midi files, but on trying to run Wine at the same time the system starts to lock up, it runs out of memory or something. So trying this is not recommened.

Wine, unlike WineX, doesn't draw this in a window - it just draws over the top 640x480 of the screen. I just hit CTRL-ALT-MINUS and X resizes to fit.

It all plays really quite well.

Gentoo Linux kernel 2.8.0


Works great using standard Wine. Here's some proof: [1]. It's windowed here but it also runs fullscreen without problems. In fact, it's running really smooth.


The fact that the music didn't work (I didn't even bother to try music, by the way) was solved by downloading mp3 files which still have the old synthetic midi sound just like back in the old days when I first played TTDX.
