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All Known Variables

accepts[array] - What cargo the industry accepts =)
auxdata[range] - Unknown
basecostfact/buildcostfact - The cost of a bridge/track
bridge[array] - Array of bridges compatible for the track
cargo - The cargo the vehicle can carry
class - What does it run on, 0=rail, 1=road, 2=air, 3=water, only for vehicles
compatible[array] - Array of all compatible objects
costfact - Purchase cost factor (final cost = basecost[costind]*costfact)
costind - Purchase cost index (index into a table of base costs), lower means higher final costs
curvespeed - Speed of vehicles in curves of track (not mph)
curvetypes - What types of curves this track has
description - The description of the object in various languages
designed - Year vehicle is designed, 0 if available from the begining
disabledtrackcfg - Decides what types of corners and slopes the bridge can be used for
displayoffset - Unknown, only in tracks
fence[array] - The fence objects for industries
field_0[16] - The ID of the cargo, used in vehicles
field_10E - Position of the Smoke or Steam (value sets hight).
field_11A[array] - Unknown
field_1E[array] - Unknown
field_3 - Controls in which tab the vehicle is when you want to buy it
field_3[array] - [0] has something to do with disallowing junctions
field_4 - Unknown
field_6 - Unknown
field_9 - The space between the bridge columns (153 Steel Arch, 153 Steel Girder, 2550 Brick, 24 Suspension, 255 Wood Bridge )
field_24 - Unknown
field_B4[0] - Something about the bogey (rotation?)
field_B4[1] - Height of vehicle above track (not the bogey)
field_E - Unknown
flags - Flags for the object
heightcostfact - Cost factor for bridge height
maxheight - Maximum height for the bridge, in feet
maxspeed - Maximum speed for the bridge, in mph
noroof - Does the bridge have a roof? (?)
numbridges - Amount of bridge objects for the track
numcompat - Number of compatible objects, 0 if compatible with all
nummods - Number of mods required (vehicles) or buildable (for track)
numsignals - Amount of signal objects for the track
numsnd - Number of sound effects (the kinds are set in the required object list)
numstations - Amount of stations objects for track
obsolete - Year vehicle becomes obsolete, 65535 if never
power - Amount of power the vehicle generates, in horsepower (doesn't seem to have any effect on planes)
produces[array] - What cargo the industry produces
rackspeed - Top speed while on rack rail, or landing/holding pattern speed for planes
reliability - Reliability of the vehicle, higher values allow a longer operating lifetime
runcostfact - Running cost factor (final cost = basecost[runcostind]*runcostfact)
runcostind - Running cost index (index into a table of base costs), lower means higher final costs
salecostfact/sellcostfact - sale/sell cost factor of bridge/track (final cost = basecost[costind]*salecostfact)
signal[array] - Array of signals available for the track
soundeffect[array] - Array of soundeffects of the vehicle
spanlength - Length of a bridge element, the BrickBridge has 1, the Steel Arch 2, the Steel Girder 2, the WoodBridge 1, the Suspension 4 parts to have one complete bow.
speed - Top speed, in mph
sprites(array) - Sprite properties
sprite(range) - Inividual sprites
startsnd - The sound the vehicle makes when it starts
startsndtype - How to play the starting sound (what kind is set in the required object list)
station[array] - Array of station objects for track
stringtable(range) - A range of strings
trackmod(array) - Array of trackmods required for vehicle to run, or trackmods available in the case of tracks/roads
tracktype - Track object required for the vehicle to run
tunnel - Tunnel object for track
tunnelcostfact - Tunnel cost factor (final cost = basecost[costind]*tunnelcostfact)
visfxtype - How to draw the visual effect 'visualeffect'
visualeffect - The object used as visualeffect
wakefxtype - How to draw the wake effect 'wakeeffect' (doesn't exist in locotool 0.2)
weight - Weight of the vehicle, in tons