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= External Links=
= External Links=
* [http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t;=20277|ECS Proposal forum post]
* [http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=20277 ECS Proposal forum post]
* [http://www.ttdpatch.de/ecs.html|ECS Proposal document]
* [http://www.ttdpatch.de/ecs.html ECS Proposal document]

Revision as of 04:13, 14 June 2011

Extended Cargo Scheme


The Extended Cargo Scheme (ECS) is a proposal by Michael Blunck to expand the cargo and industry types in Transport Tycoon.  Based upon this work, George has created a number of new GRF files that implement the ECS Vectors.

Further information

   ECSVectors - ECS Vectors. Description
       ECSVectorsGeneralInformation - ECS Vectors General Information
           LocationConditions - Location/Positioning Conditions
           ECSSupport - ECS Compatibility list
       ECSFAQ - ECS Vectors FAQ
       ECSTownVector - ECS Town Vector
           ECSTVTouristsCentre - Tourists centre
               ECSTVTCNeuSchwansteinCastle - Schloß Neuschwanstein
               ECSTVTCGoodrichCastle - Goodrich Castle
               ECSTVTCKarlstein - Karlštejn
               ECSTVTCJapanCastle - Japan Castle
               ECSTVTCPalenque - Palenque
               ECSTVTCWatchingTower - Watch Tower
               ECSTVTCTouristsResort - Casino resort
           ECSTVFactory - Factory
           ECSTVGoldMine - Gold mine
           ECSTVWaterSupply - Water supply
       ECSBasicVector - ECS Basic Vector II
           ECSBVCoalMine - Coal Mine
           ECSBVPowerPlant - Power plant
           ECSBVSandPit - Sand pit
           ECSBVGlassWorks - Glass works
       ECSChemicalVector - ECS Chemical Vector II
           ECSCVOilWells - Oil wells
           ECSCVOilRig - Oil rig
           ECSCVOilRefinery - Oil Refinery
           ECSCVChemicalPlant - Chemical plant 
       ECSMachineryVector - ECS Machinery Vector
           ECSMVIronOreMine - Iron ore mine
           ECSMVSteelMill - Steel Mill
           ECSMVVehiclesFactory - Vehicles Factory
       ECSWoodVector - ECS Wood Vector
           ECSWVForest - Forest
           ECSWVSawmill - Sawmill
           ECSWVFurnitureFactory - Furniture Factory
           ECSWVPaperMill - Paper Mill
           ECSWVPrintingWorks - Printing Works
       ECSAgriculturalVector - ECS Agricultural Vector
           ECSAVFishingGrounds - Fishing grounds
           ECSAVFarm - Farm
           ECSAVFruitPlantation - Fruit Plantation
           ECSAVAnimalFarm - Animal Farm
           ECSAVTinningFactory - Tinning Factory
           ECSAVBrewery - Brewery
           ECSAVFoodPlant - Food Plant
           ECSAVTextileMill - Textile Mill
       ECSHouses - ECS Houses
           ECSHPetrolStations - Petrol stations
           ECSHStatues - Statues
           ECSHHotels - Hotels
           ECSHBanks - Banks
               ECSHBanksTable - Banks
           ECSHPostOffices - Post offices
           ECSHCarShops - Car shops
           ECSHWaterTowers - Water towers
           ECSHChurches - Churches
           ECSHHouses - Houses
   ECSVTranslation - ECS Vectors Translations
       ECSVTGeneral - ECS Vectors Translations - General strings
       ECSVTTown - ECS Vectors Translations - Town vector strings
       ECSVTBasic - ECS Vectors Translations - Basic vector strings
       ECSVTChemical - ECS Vectors Translations - Chemical vector strings
       ECSVTMachinery - ECS Vectors Translations - Machinery vector strings
       ECSVTConstruction - ECS Vectors Translations - Construction vector strings
       ECSVTWood - ECS Vectors Translations - Wood vector strings
       ECSVTAgricutural - ECS Vectors Translations - Agricultural vector strings
       ECSVTHouses - ECS Vectors Translations - Houses
       ECSVTParameters - ECS Parameter translation
           ECSVTParAllvectors - Parameters all vectors
           ECSVTParTownVector - Parameters town vector
           ECSVTParECSHouses - Parameters ECS houses
       ECSVTThanks - ECS Vectors Translations - Thanks page
   ECSAbandonedPart - ECS Abandoned Part
       ECSConstructionVector - ECS Construction Vector
       ECSBasicVectorArctic - ECS Basic Vector for Arctic
       ECSBasicVectorTropic - ECS Basic Vector for Tropic
       ECSMachineryVectorTropic - ECS Machinery Vector for Tropic
       ECSConstructionVectorByPikkabird - ECS Construction Vector by Pikkabird
           ECSCVPClayPit - Clay pit
           ECSCVPQuarry - Quarry
           ECSCVPBrickWorks - Brick Works
           ECSCVPEngineersYard - Engineers Yard

External Links