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Force and set game options


Force and set game options

2.5 beta 5 or later


Configuration file: forcegameoptions on|off|bitsetting

Command line: none


This Switch let you change the game options of TTD so after changeing climate it will reset to your settings instead useing the default ones.

This is a bit switch, with the following choices:


| | |Traffic side

0|1|trafficleft|Force the road traffic side to be left

1|2|trafficright|Force the road traffic side to be right

| | |Distance Unit

2|4|imperial|Force the use of imperial (miles) distance units

3|8|metric|Force the use of metric (kilometers) distance units

| | |Town name style

4|16|townsenglish|Set town name style to english

5|32|townsfrench|Set town name style to french

6|64|townsgerman|Set town name style to german

7|128|townsamerican|Set town name style to amerian

8|256|townslatin|Set town name style to latin amerian

9|512|townssilly|Set town name style to silly

| | |Autosave setting

10|1024|autosavedisabled|Set autosave to off

11|2048|autosave3months|Set autosave to 3 months

12|4096|autosave6months|Set autosave to 6 months

13|8192|autosave12months|Set autosave to 12 months (should be the default of TTD)||

The state of setting more than one bit in each group is undefined and should be avoided.

This feature was contributed by Oskar Eisemuth.