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Editing your DAT files

When you have created your bridge and put it in your ObjData folder, it will be immediately selectable from the Scenario Editor, but you will not be able to use it in-game. To fix this, you need to add it to the relevant track dat files for each track type or road. For example, to add a bridge to the file TRACKST.DAT (for normal rail track):

  • After extracting the XML file, look for the variable name "numbridges" and increase the value by one.
  • Scroll down and you'll see several "useobject desc=bridge" lines. Enter your own bridge underneath with the new number. Such as: <useobject desc="bridge[5]" class="14">BRDGEART</useobject>.
  • The bridge array is 0 based, so remember that the last bridge's number will be one lower than the number of bridges.

The process is the same for any of the other track .DAT files. Such as: TRACKNG for narrow guage.

Your bridge will now be featured in any scenario you create. It will be auto-selected as it is required for that particular track type.