ECS Vectors. Location/Positioning Conditions

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<< ECS Vectors FAQ ECS Vectors ECS Town Vector >>

Each of ECS Vectors' Industries has conditions that determine where it can be built on the map.

This page describes all the possible conditions.

The conditions that apply to a particular industry are included in that industry's page.

code Condition
00 Build within any town zone Dt < Rz0
01 Build <=N tiles away from water
02 Build in town with >=N population
03 Build within N tiles of town zone 1 radius Dt < (Rz1 + N tiles)
04 Build below snow line
05 Build >=N tiles from desert tile
06 Build outside town zone 1 Dt > Rz1
07 Build on flat land
08 Build on terraformed land (certain tiles must be sloped) see image
09 Build in forest where N tiles radius are all trees (tropic) (non-tropic ECSWVForest is excepted)
0A Build outside towns
0B Build >=N tiles away from tropic forest
0C Build >=N tiles from same industry (same ID)
0D Build >=N tiles from water
0E Build >=N tiles from a specific industry (specified ID)
0F Build <=N tiles from a specific industry (specified ID)
10 Build >=N tiles from a specific industry (specified ID) with the same layout (N=FF FF FF FFh forces only one industry of that type on the map)
8401 Build >=1 tile from coast

Town zones: The value is between 0 and 4, where 0 is the outermost zone of the town.

Smaller towns have fewer zones.

Roads are plain in zone 0 and 1, paved in zone 2, have trees in zone 3 and street lights in zone 4

Town Zones: Tz4 (street lights), Tz3 (trees on roads), Tz2 (paved roads), Tz1 (suburb), Tz0 (rural)

Radius (from town centre): Rz4, Rz3, Rz2, Rz1, Rz0

Distance of industry from town centre: Dt